
Kinda Cool by Kevin Galang

This weekly newsletter is for the interesting and interested. I share my journey building my business while also sharing new AI tools, podcasts, and other things I find.

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Toddler-proofing business momentum

For weeks, business has been humming and I’ve been crushing my priorities. ..2 year old son gets COVID + flu.. Daytime. He’s home from daycare so you cancel 90% of plans/meetings. Overnight. He’s waking up every 20 mins from a painful cough so none of us are sleeping. Sucks. (Mostly for him). As a dad, there’s fulfillment in being there for him. But in the business context, it really can jack up your momentum if you’re not set up for it. And remember: “Momentum is oxygen for a startup....

Man gambling at casino

I’m addicted to gambling. Business is my game of choice. Here are some rules that I play by: Don’t die. Stay alive long enough, and you’ll eventually win. Never bet the house. Take asymmetric bets. Every bet should have higher upside than downside. Heads, I win. Tails, I don’t lose much. Everything is a bet. You can bet with money, time, attention, effort, etc. As a reminder, last week we discussed the 6 failed projects over the past 19 months before I finally built a working business and...

You hear about people making millions within months. My story is definitely not that. But It's been kinda cool so I think it's worth sharing.. I’m a dad who wants to hang out with my 2 year old. I’m a husband who still wants to date my wife after 2 years. I live across the street from my brother and hang out a few times per week. It took me 19 months to be able to quit my job and become a full time entrepreneur. 6 main business attempts, $90k invested, moving my family around, and more.. Just...