Toddler-proofing business momentum

For weeks, business has been humming and I’ve been crushing my priorities.

..2 year old son gets COVID + flu..

Daytime. He’s home from daycare so you cancel 90% of plans/meetings.

Overnight. He’s waking up every 20 mins from a painful cough so none of us are sleeping.

Sucks. (Mostly for him).

As a dad, there’s fulfillment in being there for him.

But in the business context, it really can jack up your momentum if you’re not set up for it. And remember:

“Momentum is oxygen for a startup. Without momentum, you let fear, uncertainty, and doubt cause your demise.” - Suhail

And while I’m dropping quotes, here is the main takeaway for today:

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - Someone smarter than me (and you).

It’s corny. But true.

I used to want to be fully solo as an entrepreneur. AKA a “solopreneur”. I’d have total freedom. And I’d live or die by my own skills, creativity, and capacity.

But I’ve willingly taken on risks to my business and my capacity. They’re called a kid, a wife, and other life priorities. The idea of being completely solo now sounds so overwhelming to me.

With my kid sick this week, I’m operating at 20% of normal capacity.

Thank God I have a team now.

While I’m out, my two executive assistants are crushing their work. Dane and Alli are keeping the wheels turning.

Me, Dane, and Alli. That's our whole team running this business.

And it's just right amount of redundancy. We can toddler-proof our momentum without high coordination costs.

Also, if you hire right, having a couple of teammates is just a lot more fun.

Any other parent entrepreneurs out there? Anyone making it work as a parent solopreneur? Would love to hear your tips and more about your experiences.

Keep momentum high or die,

Kevin Galang

Kinda Cool by Kevin Galang

This weekly newsletter is for the interesting and interested. I share my journey building my business while also sharing new AI tools, podcasts, and other things I find.

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